Sunday, June 7, 2009

When Life Hands You Shit, Make Fertilizer!

First, I would like to ask you to please excuse the single use of profanity in this post. I am not apologizing for it; I'm just asking that you go with me on it. It truly is relevant.

A good friend of mine was explaining to me an incredible revelation God gave to her recently. She asked, "What makes the best fertilizer?" If you have the slightest experience in landscaping or gardening, you know that manure, or well shit, makes the best fertilizer. She then continued to explain the truth in knowing that bad things happen in life. The question isn't if it's going to happen, but when it will happen. It's like the famous bumper sticker that says, "Shit happens."

My friend continued on to explain that God can really help us grow in the shit that comes our way. We can either lie in it and become very stinky, or we can turn it into fertilizer and grow in it. We are human and our lives can get messy. If you are in a position where you lead other people, there is the possibility that you will get messy in their shit as well. But the true question is, which will you pick when the storms of life come? To lie in it and be stinky, or to turn it into fertlizer and grow more into the person God created you to be?

This concept is the same for it's much weaker counterpart -- when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Honestly, what my friend described holds more truth to it. Generally, most people can eat lemons. They may taste sour, but are edible. (And I love to flavor my tea with them.) You can really move past the lemon without having to do a lot of work. But when you are faced with a pile of shit, you really must choose. Will you allow it to stick around and remain stinky, or will you make fertilizer in order to allow something beautiful to grow?

Which will you pick?

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