Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sweet and Nice

Have you ever been in a situation when you knew God wanted you to say something or do something?  And if you said or did this thing that God told you, the circumstances that you were in would not go well at all?  Yeah, I've been there too and boy is it hard.

I've been known to have little arguments with God.  While talking with someone I have clearly heard God tell me to ask a certain question or make a specific statement.  The arguement would then go like this...

Alesha -- "But if I say that, it will not go well at all."
God -- "I know."
Alesha -- "But do you know how this person will react?"
God -- "Yes, I do.  But I want you to say it anyway."
Alesha -- "Well....  ok...."

Sometimes I will proceed as God directed.  In the end, the reaction was always so much better than I anticipated and I was able to either lead that person into a relationship with Jesus or onto a path of further freedom.  Other times, I would edit or sugar coat God's words, and that leads nowhere.

Have you ever heard the statement, "Sweet and nice never changed the world"?  Last summer God showed me that my leadership was too sweet.  I was choosing to edit or sugar-coat His words too often resulting in soft and poor leadership.  People I was leading were not growing and people around me were not seeing Jesus.  I was choosing to protect myself because I was afraid of the confrontation that would ensue if I said certain words. Quite frankly, I don't like to be yelled at.  But when it comes down to it, who am I to edit God's words???  If God provided me with specific directions, it is my only job to follow.  God is my great protector and I am not responsible with how the other person reacts.  The Bible is filled with stories of people who did what God directed and the outcomes were not as pleasant as one would expect.  However, the outcome was always honoring to God and revealed His holyness in new ways.

After asking God for His forgiveness of me choosing to edit His words and not follow through on His commands, I have resolved to speak and do just as He says.  My leadership will not be so sweet and nice any more.  I will change this world and I will do it under His direction.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life Goal... Check!

Two weeks ago I was able to check off one of the life goals I set for myself earlier this year.  That life goal was to establish a financial blog.  Kevin and I launched our blog titled "Keys:  Unlocking Financial Freedom."  Why has it been on my heart to do this?  I truly believe that the vast majority of peope live in financial bondage, either living from paycheck to paycheck or hoarding all of their money.  Jesus knew that money would be largely used by the enemy to trap us and put us in bondage; thus the reason it is the number one topic, next to salvation, that He taught about throughout His ministry.  Unlocking financial freedom in a person's heart can open the door for further freedom and can possibly lead that person to more fully experiencing Jesus.

God placed us on this earth as stewards.  We are responsible for everything that He has given us.  There is not one thing that we own that is truly our's.  When we begin to fully understand that we are entrusted stewards of God's vast resources, that's when we will see the face of this earth change and more people experience the transforming power of Jesus.  We will all begin living as they did in the early days of the church.  One of my favorite verses is Acts 4:32 "All the believers were united in heart and mind.  And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had."

We hope you subscribe to our blog.  It can be found at  God has called us to lead people into financial freedom.  We won't back down until more people get there.