Friday, December 24, 2010

A Little Refocusing on My Day...

Today is Christmas Eve and it has already started with a few mis-haps. I decided to do a "spa" for Kelly in our kitchen. We had a little row during her manicure. As I was taking the polish off of my nails, I knocked over the bottle of polish remover which caused a little puddle on the table. I had no idea that polish remover would instantly take the finish off of our kitchen table. Wow, it worked fast. After that was cleaned up and I resumed my finger treatment, I knocked the bottle of polish off of the table and dumped it onto our hardwood floor. Thankfully the polish remover does not instantly take the finish off of the floor. I closed everything and resolved to finish my nails later in the bathroom. Shortly thereafter I splashed my cup of coffee all over a few things in the kitchen and made a mess out of a cheesecake that I was slicing to take to my parents' home tomorrow (but I must admit that the cheesecake tastes really good). A series of mis-steps can take a toll on a person, no matter how small they are. I began hearing a voice that said, "You can't do anything right. You would be better off curled up in a room by yourself and staying there for the next 2 days." After about 2 minutes of this voice whispering to me, I rebuked it and started laughing. I was allowing some small accidents steal my joy of this weekend.

A little perspective please... This weekend is one of celebration and rejoicing. Over 2000 years ago our Savior was born into this broken, spiritually dark world. Because of the event that happened this weekend, ALL of us have the opportunity to live a life that is full, abundant, hopeful, joyful and free. This weekend represents a gift that every person who has lived, does live, and will live in this world can receive with open arms and an open heart. I embraced that gift several years ago. Will you embrace it?

So, of course I'm going to laugh off the accidents that happened this morning. I'm going to rebuke the whispers of the enemy. There is nothing that will happen today that will allow me to miss the gift that our Father delivered to us over 2000 years ago. My Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ was born this day. I will worship and celebrate.

That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord-has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manager." Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven-praising God and saying,

"Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased."
(Luke 2:8-14 NLT)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Evaporating Water

The Dead Sea is a body of water located in the Middle East. Have you thought about how this body of water received its name? The Dead Sea has multiple rivers flowing into it; however, there are no rivers flowing out of it. The only way water is able to leave the sea is through evaporation. When the water evaporates, it leaves mineral salt deposits. The Dead Sea contains a very high salt concentation; saltier than the ocean. The high salt concentration does not allow the sea to sustain any life. Only a few forms of bacteria and algae are able to live in this sea. If a fish swims too close, it will instantly die. Hence, the name Dead Sea, which is better than the Hebrew translation of its name, "Killer Sea."

In contrast, the Red Sea is one of the richest ecosystems in the world. It has waterways that flow in and out of it and contains an abundance of wildlife and some of the most beautiful coral reefs. Additionally, the Red Sea was the location of one of the greatest miracles in history -- God parted this sea in order to rescue His people.

God has unlimited resources and He provides each of us with a certain amount. God has a plan for His people to live in abundance and to distribute His unlimited resources throughout this world. We have a choice to make when God blesses us monetarily. We can hoard and consume those blessings, not allowing it to pass through us. In turn, we have the potential to not allow life to flow from us. The other choice is to live in a place understanding that the monetary blessing is just that... a blessing. It is not our's to clutch and scream, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" We can allow the blessing to flow through us in order to create life and beauty. Would you rather live with goodness and blessings that flow into your life that became stagnant and dead due to your clutching or would you rather allow those blessings to flow through your life so that something beautiful can be created?

Giving is a channel for God's heart to flow through us. Simply put, giving changes lives.

Which will you choose to be? How will you live with generosity during this Christmas season?

Friday, November 5, 2010

From Here to There

Kevin and I have the incredible privilege to teach during the first quarter of Quest University. Quest University, held Wednesday nights at Quest Community Church, was launched in order to help people become more wholehearted, transformed followers of Jesus. We are teaching a class called Open Hands. The objective of the class is to assist people in reaching financial freedom. I thought I would post a portion of our first night's teaching.

The goal of this class is to assist you in achieving financial freedom. Our objective is to give you the information that you need in order to successfully travel this road and reach the destination. During the summer we heard teachings on "Here to There." Now this may not be everybody, but if you decided to take this class you are probably Here - Financial Bondage. In Matthew 6:24 (MSG) Jesus defines financial bondage for us. He says, "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both." We cannot serve 2 masters! Jesus said it and I believe it. It's impossible to serve 2 masters. We will become confused and chaos will happen. And... God will not share His throne. If we chose to be slaves to money, He will allow us to pick that path. To get to financial freedom we have to go through Transformation. Paul writes in Romans 12:2 (NCV) "Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect." Another versions says "but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." We need to take the information that we learn and allow it to transform us, to change us, to allow God to make us into something new. And then, we will reach our destination - Financial Freedom. We will experience financial freedom the way the people of the first church experienced. Acts 4:32 (NLT) states, "All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had." They lived as if what they owned was not their own! Isn't that amazing? Everything that we have does not belong to us but is entrusted to us from God. He provides us with all that we have and all that we need. God created everything and He owns everything. We are trustees. If you are familiar with the word trustee from a legal perspective, you know that trustess have no rights, only responsibilities - the responsibility to care for what belongs to someone else. I don't know about you but I tend to take better care of something that does not belong to me. I will protect and care for it. Can you imagine what our world would look like if everyone lived as if what they owned was not their own? Those of you who have taken the courageous step to take this class and to start the journey towards financial freedom can start the ripple effect that can change the world.

This class is not closed. You are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm for the next 5 weeks. And if you have any questions, just post a comment or message me!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why do you give?

About a year or so ago I heard someone say that the way to increase tithing or giving in a church is to have the pastor preach on tithing. With all do respect to that person's opinion, the last thing we need is to have someone preach to us on tithing; especially in a way that is associated with the negative connotation that comes with the word "preach." The world does not need another person telling them how to give and that they just need to do it. What I believe is that we need to get to the root issues of why people don't tithe or give to their church.

Have you asked yourself why you don't tithe or give? And if you are tithing, have you asked yourself why you don't give more?

Do you not tithe or give because...

* you are afraid? (Afraid of what? That money will no longer exist?)

* how will you pay all of those bills, the mortgage and buy groceries? (Jesus desires for you to live a good life. Paying all of the bills yourself may prevent the opportunity for Jesus to provide you with a gift.)

* the sacrifice is just too big? (What about Jesus's sacrifice on the cross?)

* you are dealing with the consequences of a past sin? (As a follower of Christ, your sins are forgiven! Worked with Jesus as you sort out those consequences and He will bless you beyond measure.)

* you are having a difficult time sorting out the financial pieces of life? (Call out for help. Be known in a safe community. Don't do it alone.)

* financial things are just not your thing? (Then a large part of life is not your thing. Maturity will show that much of life is tied to finances.)

* you don't trust your church with your money? (Then why would you trust your church with your marriage, your kids, or your salvation?? If you don't trust the church you currently attend, then leave that church and become a part of one that you do trust.)

* you don't trust Jesus that much? (Jesus is the ONLY person to show that He is completely trustworthy all of the time. He will NEVER let you down.)

Almost 99% of the time, people don't tithe or give not because they don't have the money to do so, but because they know that if they give up some portion of their money then there will be less to spend on whatever it is that they want. Most people live in financial bondage created by scarcity and entitlement... thinking that not enough money exists to pay for everything that we want.

God created us to not live in financial bondage. His resources are completely unlimited. He constantly chooses how His resources are allocated among us. We get to choose if we will participate in effective stewardship of His resources. Through us He can do wonderous things when we live with open hands around His resources. If you think that you don't have enough money to give and live on, consider the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. Verse 23 states, "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much'." As we are faithful to the little that God gives to us, He will entrust us with more. Overtime we will be led to financial freedom which will ultimately result in financial peace.

Do you live in financial freedom? If not, let me know and I can help you get there!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do You Remember Your First Bible Verse?

If you attended Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, or a children's church experience as a child you probably learned songs such as "Jesus loves me" and "Jesus loves the little children." The first Bible verse given to children to memorize is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." The first verse my daughter memorized was Ephesians 3:18, "And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is." Each of these are perfect and fantastic to be among the first things children memorize.

My question is... Do they understand what they are learning? To children, are they only cute songs or a verse to memorize because they will get a sticker on a chart?

My larger question is... Do we believe in and understand these songs and verses well enough to teach our children the truth behind these words?

The fundamental truth of our lives is that God loves us very very much. He made us to love us. This is the foundation of who we are. The only identity we ever need to possess is that we are beloved sons and daughters of God. Also, the love of God is designed to be experienced. Can you imagine going through life without experiencing love... not experiencing the love of your spouse, your parents, your children? The same is true for God. He wants us to feel, experience and live in His love. So, do you just believe it in your head or do you truly feel it in your heart? Do you experience God's love in a way that those cute children's songs and memory verses are more than just words but foundational truth for all of your life?

Do YOU believe that Jesus loves YOU?
Do YOU believe that God loves YOU and sent His Son for YOU?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reproducing like bunnies...

A few weeks ago the bookkeeper and I were having a difficult time keeping up with all of the invoices and receipts that were being turned in. It seemed that everytime one of us walked past the in-box that day, it was overflowing with more items. Later that afternoon I referred to our expense forms as bunnies... they just kept multiplying. They were everywhere!

It also occurred to me that expense forms are not the only thing that multiplies like bunnies. Sin can quickly reproduce faster than we can ever imagine. Have you ever noticed how one sin can lead to another sin that can lead to another, eventually leading us into a spiral that will take hard work and healing to get out of? For example...

* entitlement can lead to pride -- you deserve something because you are better than the next person

* comparison can lead to insecurity -- you can't live up to the standards that you set for yourself because you perceive that people around you are better than you

* codependency can lead to disunity -- something or someone comes between you and the other person and now you have no respect for what came between you

* discontentment can lead to addiction -- nothing in life can fulfill you so you turn to empty sources to fill the void.

What appears to be simple, or even small, sins can quickly escalate into sins that damage and destroy. When the enemy finds the smallest fisure to enter, he will come fast and furious and that small gap becomes a gaping hole. Before you know it, you have hurt your relationship with the One who loves you and you have damaged your heart and the hearts of those around you. So... what do you do?

You maintain an intimate relationship with Jesus. You stay close to the cross, remembering why He came and died for you. Give permission to those you love, trust, and respect to call you out if they notice any destructive patterns in your life. Remain in community. If you don't have an intimate relationship with Jesus, establish one. He wants to walk with you, He wants to lead you, and He wants to spend eternity with you. Do whatever you can to keep the sins from going out of control and multiplying... well, like bunnies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seriously... He really does love you

So many people blow off the fact that God loves you unbelievably. We get wrapped up in comparing how God loves us to how other people love us. Many people grew up attempting to earn conditional love from a variety of people in their lives. They believed that they had to behave, dress a certain way, perform certain acts, or live up to expectations and standards in order to experience love. And... it is sadly true that people will provide conditional love. Such behavior will drive us to feeling inferior, insecure, and depressed resulting in pride, entitlement and comparison thinking that we will never live up to expectations and we will never be good enough.

The good news is that our foundation does not have to be built on the love of others but on the love God has for us! God's love is something that we get to experience and live on. Ephesians 3:17 NLT says "Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." I dismissed God's love for many years. The dismisssal wasn't due to disbelief but just something that I took for granted... something that I believed in my head but did not allow to take root into my heart. Two years ago God removed the head knowledge and planted it into my heart. He told me that He not only loved me but that He adored me. Since that time, my foundation has become solid and I am unshakeable.

If you would, please let me share some truth with you. Let your roots go down deep into God's love as you read the following. He really wants to share this with you...

I take delight in you and I rejoice over you with singing -- Zephaniah 3:17
You are my own special treasure -- Exodus 19:5
And the apple of my eye -- Psalm 17:8
You are my child and I am your Father -- 1 John 3:1
And I want to lavish my love on you -- 1 John 3:1
I will never stop doing good to you -- Jeremiah 32:40
With my love, I will calm all your fears -- Zephaniah 3:17
Give all your worries and cares to me because I care about you! -- 1 Pete 5:7
I've never quit loving you and nave will. Expect love, love, and more love! -- Jeremiah 31:3
I created you in My image -- Genesis 1:27
I knit you together in your mother's womb -- Psalm 139:13
And you are fearfully and wonderfully made -- Psalm 139:15
I catch all your tears -- Psalm 56:8
And I will wipe them all away -- Revelation 7:17
With everlasting love I will have compassion on you -- Isaiah 54:8
Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine -- Isaiah 43:1
And so now I'll start over with you -- Jeremiah 31:3
My plans for you are good -- Jeremiah 32:40
In me you will discover who you are and what you are living for -- Ephesians 1:12
I will never fail you - I will never abandon you -- Hebrews 13:5
Nothing will ever separate you from my love -- Romans 8:38-39
I am for you -- Romans 8:31
You are my beloved child -- Matthew 3:17
And I am so pleased with you -- Matthew 3:17

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eternally changed...

I lived a very good life. God was so lavish with the life He gave me. I was born to good parents, grew up in a sweet small town, had great friends, went to a fantastic college, married a good man, and have a beautiful daughter. God protected me in many ways along the way by helping me choose not to get involved with things that would be damaging to my heart and by gently nudging me along a path He chose for me. When I was 18 and living with a heart that should have been completely closed off to His voice, I distinctly heard Him call me and tell me that I would serve Him and I would serve His church. But in the goodness of the life that God gave me, I still lived a self hyphenated life that was bitter, shallow, and judgemental. I needed a miracle and four years ago today, I became a miracle.

It's really amazing and beautiful how God pursues us. Even when we don't believe in God, He still believes in us. I deserved none of what God gave me and I still don't deserve it today. It's only by His amazing grace that I get to live this life. You see, I worked really hard the first 29 years of my life doing church and striving to do what I thought God wanted me to do. I was worn out and I had no peace. I was becoming more bitter and callous along the way. Then one amazing day God spoke to me so strong that I had to brace myself against a wall. He told me that I would not go to heaven when I die.

I was not living with a personal relationship with Jesus. I knew a lot about Him, but I did not know Him. Yes, I believed in Jesus and I never questioned what He did on the cross. But even all of hell's angels believe Jesus, they know who He is, and they know why He came. At that time there was truly no difference between me and then. Then a few days later, I became different. In the middle of a group of women... my Life Group... I came before Jesus and gave Him my ugly self-hyphenated heart and received a new grace filled heart from Him. I surrendered my entire life to Jesus and there was no looking back.

Life has been so amazing since then! I live with a peace and joy that can only be experienced by living a life with Jesus. God talks to me; I distinctly hear His voice and I recognize it every time. I get to live with a passion that is no longer about me and what I want to do. I am now a messenger of His good news... I run errands with God... I don't do just good things for Jesus, but the good things He wants me to do.

I went from bitter to joyful... judgemental to compassionate... unaccepted to adored... identity in what I did to an identity in who I am... bond to free... living a life that was picked for me.

The true desire of my heart is for EVERYONE to experience this. If you are living without Jesus in your heart, then you are living a life that is small, shallow, narrow and bound for hell. I know that sounds rough and judgemental, but it is the truth. Come to a place of not just knowing about the person Jesus but experiencing a personal walk with Him. If you have questions, ask me. This is my favorite thing to talk about. You may think that you can never change who you are, and that is true. You can't change yourself, but Jesus can! Don't go another day living without Him. Give up your life and accept the one He has planned for you. I promise that you will NOT regret it.

Questions? Put them in the comments below or message me via Facebook or email at I can't wait to hear from you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

There is no plan B

I am reading The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancy and I highly recommend it. I just finished chapter 2 which talks about Christmas and Jesus's birth. It occurred to me that Christmas was quite a risk that God took. What if...
Mary said no...
Joseph proceded with stoning Mary...
we didn't accept Jesus for who He really is?

This was God's one shot to save humanity, the people He dearly loves... There was no plan B.

God loved us SO much that He took a huge risk to send His son, the firstborn of all creation, to come to a planet in very humble beginnings to present salvation. There was no divine announcement from the sky. God put the plan in some simple, young humans to birth His son into this world, to care for and raise Him, and to send Him on His way when the appointed time came. There was a risk that the disciples would say no to following Jesus, to learning and then sharing the good news. There was a risk that Jesus would have been viewed as a common criminal dying on a cross rather than the ultimate sacrifice for us. There was a risk that we would ever accept Him as the ultimate sacrifice and give our lives and hearts to Him. God did all of this through people who allowed their hearts to be opened to His words and promptings, not through a booming voice or a picture in the sky for all to hear and see. God's plan was to use people to save people. The irony is that He gives us freedom of choice and He knows how the story ends.

There is no plan B. Jesus is the only way that humanity will be saved. And He does it through you and me. WE are plan A.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Most Unlikely Leader

I have decided to read the entire Bible this year. I am doing... ok... with it. I really wish it was something that I picked to do every day. Maybe over time it will. We'll see. :)

I am reading the book of Exodus right now. I am familiar with the story of Moses and Israel's slavery to the Egyptians from years of Sunday School and watching movies such as The Ten Commandments and The Prince of Egypt. But there is something different when it comes from reading the story straight from the Bible... it becomes more... it becomes alive. And God has revealed some new things to me from reading this story straight from His Word.

Moses was probably the most unlikely leader. No one would have picked him to lead Israel out of Egypt. He would have been the last kid picked during gym class. He grew up as Pharoah's grandson -- none of his own people would like him. He killed a man -- an act punishable by death. He met God on holy ground one day... and completely argued with Him. But God reassured Moses that he was made for the task. Moses leaves and meets with Pharoah commanding him to let his people go. Pharoah refuses and increases the work of the Israelites. Moses turns to God and asks why He was working against his people. In Exodus 7:3-5 God answers, "But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. This I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out my people of Israel from among them." The Egyptians would not see Israel's freedom as a work of Pharaoh or even Moses, but as a work of God. Moses agreed to allow God to use him for His glory. God was revealed because Moses said yes to the work to be done.

On the surface, Moses was an unlikely leader. In the end, he was the most likely leader. Why? Because he spent time with God... he listened to God... he was real with God... he obeyed God... and he believed God.

When God calls you to something, do you believe Him or do you argue with Him? YOU really are the most likely leader.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy vs. Joy

Per Webster's dictionary:

happy (adjective) -- enjoying or characterized by well-being or contentment
joy (noun) -- the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires

Happy and joy are truly two different words. One is an adjective -- it describes something. The other is a noun -- something that you can have. Although I believe that many of us do realize that happy and joy are not the same thing, we invariably confuse the two words. A person can have joy without exhibiting happiness. However, a person may not exhibit happiness without possessing joy. True joy does not come from external, material things, but it comes from deep within.

True joy that can mark our lives comes from the relationship that we have with our heavenly Father. One of the fruits of the Spirit is joy. When we make the eternal transaction with Jesus, giving our old lives to Him in exchange for the life originally intended for us, we begin to live in the Spirit. When we live in the Spirit, we will possess the fruits of the Spirit. Living in a relationship with Jesus allows us to have a deep and abiding joy. It is not a type of joy that makes us giddy and perky, but a joy that provides us with a hope... a hope that nothing is impossible with God. We can have this joy even in the deepest moments of sorrow and when we weather the strongest storm of our lives. But it is a joy that provides us with the hope that God will see us through and that He really does catch us in the fall.

You really can examine your life and note if you truly walk with an uncircumstantial joy. Does your happiness extend from a joy that is based on a relationship with our Heavenly Father? Or does your happiness and joy come from what is happening in the moment? Living with the solid joy of hope is truly the only place you will ever want to be.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What I Know...

When I was pregnant I would ask those who had born children what labor really felt like. I had never been through labor and I really wanted to know, in detail, what to expect. The childbirth class Kevin and I were taking provided bushels of great information. However, I wanted to know what labor really felt like. How did I know that I was in labor? How did I know that the contractions were real and not just Braxton-Hicks contractions? The best response I ever received was, "You will just know." That response was not good enough. I wanted explicit details and sufficient information to back up the explanation. I was on a quest for truth and knowledge.

Recently I discovered that I have a similiar response if someone asks "How do I know that Jesus really lives in my heart?" or "How do I know if Christianity is right?" My response, "You just know. I know because of how I am not changed."

I know that I am a changed person. I know that I am different from the person I was before September 8, 2006. I know that I respond differently, the characteristics that I had before have been transformed, and even the desires that I previously had are now gone. I am more certain than ever when I hear God's voice. I am free to live as the person God designed me to be and not to live as someone who is living up to other people's expectations. I know without a doubt that God provided me with a specific gifting and skill set that I get to use to live out my calling. The meanness and bitterness that previously resided in me have been replaced with joy and compassion. Everything that changed within me had absolutely nothing to do with how hard I tried, from self-improvement plans, or just simply doing better... it all came from God and the redemption through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. I am saved and transformed by grace. There is just simply no other way.

So, if you were to ask me, "How do I know that Jesus lives in my heart?" my response to you will be, "You will just know." Then I will tell you the story of who I was, when I personally met Jesus, and who He has transformed me to be. I will point you in the direction of other people who have been redeemed and transformed by the living grace of Jesus. And then I will ask you if you "know" that Jesus lives in your heart because it will be unmistakable if He does. He doesn't hide and He likes to do the work of transforming you into the person He made you to be.

And, if you don't see Jesus there, I will gladly help you invite Him in.