Thursday, June 18, 2009

History Can Repeat

Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd...

"So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, who you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!"
Peter's words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, "Brothers, what should we do?"
Peter replied, "Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, and to your children, and even to the Gentiles--all who have been called by the Lord our God."

Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day -- about 3,000 in all.
(Acts 2:14, 38-39, 41 NLT)

I have heard that history can repeat itself. That we must live with care that it doesn't. We truly are to learn from history and advance ourselves because of it. But would you ever believe that you could re-live the history of the Bible?? I believe that God has placed me in a position that I get to see history repeated first-hand. Acts 2 is happening all over again. Bold leaders are stepping forward... thousands upon thousands of people are whole-heartedly surrendering their lives to Jesus... hundreds of people are being baptized...

It happened once, and it's happening again.

Are you ready??

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock Your World

Have you ever encountered something that simply shifted your world? Has an event ever happened and you just know that life will never be the same after? There have been a few events that caused earth-altering shifts in my life.

The first was my marriage. Almost 8 years ago I married an incredible man. Honestly I didn't know how incredible he was at that time, but during the past 8 years I continue to fall in love with a man who is just amazing. It may not have been in God's ultimate plans that the two of us get married because neither of us were truly following Jesus at that time. But God has such redemptive power that I continue to fall in love with this amazing man everyday. I am filled with love and awe every time I look at my husband.

The second earth shattering event in my life was the birth of my daughter. I was completely oblivious to the concept of motherhood before my daughter was born. I had no idea that a small child would turn your world upside down. Your life really does change the second the baby enters the world. My world is very different and much better because of her. She is a beautiful child and I am so blessed that God saw me worthy of such an entrustment.

The third event that turned my life upside down was the day I met Jesus personally, September 8, 2006. Life really hasn't been the same. Jesus completely changed the trajectory of the path of life. I went from a very self-consumed, prideful individual who made her own paths for life to an individual who simply wants to live the life God has planned. I don't make future plans anymore and I don't set long-term goals unless God leads me to do so. But everyday I really do have a clear picture of what God wants me to do. I live everyday knowing that God adores me as His daughter. I have a real peace in my life.

And this weekend I got to see the results of an event that has caused unbelievable tremors in our world. Saturday night my pastor, Pete Hise, had the honor of presenting the closing message at Ichthus, an annual music festival held in Wilmore, KY. Pete is a true man of God and he speaks with unbelievable clarity. He lives as a man who knows he is a life redeemed and he will do whatever it takes for people to understand that they are loved dearly by the most high God and for people to enter into a relationship with Jesus. Pete presented an incredible message that shed light on people's need for Jesus causing them to want Jesus; to really want Him. At the end of the message Pete offered an invitation for people to stand, even raise their hands toward heaven, and to pray a simple prayer that began a relationship with Jesus. Sadly, I did not get to attend the event, but I have been able to see a video and talk with many people who were there. Even without attending, I can feel that this event has rocked our world. I can internally feel the difference it makes when thousands, not just hundreds, but thousands of people cross that eternal line from death to life. A huge shift happened in the spiritual world. Satan lost that night. He lost big time. And our lives will never be the same. The floodgates have opened for more people to enter into evangelism, resulting in more people entering into a new life with Jesus. This world, and my world, will never be the same.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

When Life Hands You Shit, Make Fertilizer!

First, I would like to ask you to please excuse the single use of profanity in this post. I am not apologizing for it; I'm just asking that you go with me on it. It truly is relevant.

A good friend of mine was explaining to me an incredible revelation God gave to her recently. She asked, "What makes the best fertilizer?" If you have the slightest experience in landscaping or gardening, you know that manure, or well shit, makes the best fertilizer. She then continued to explain the truth in knowing that bad things happen in life. The question isn't if it's going to happen, but when it will happen. It's like the famous bumper sticker that says, "Shit happens."

My friend continued on to explain that God can really help us grow in the shit that comes our way. We can either lie in it and become very stinky, or we can turn it into fertilizer and grow in it. We are human and our lives can get messy. If you are in a position where you lead other people, there is the possibility that you will get messy in their shit as well. But the true question is, which will you pick when the storms of life come? To lie in it and be stinky, or to turn it into fertlizer and grow more into the person God created you to be?

This concept is the same for it's much weaker counterpart -- when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Honestly, what my friend described holds more truth to it. Generally, most people can eat lemons. They may taste sour, but are edible. (And I love to flavor my tea with them.) You can really move past the lemon without having to do a lot of work. But when you are faced with a pile of shit, you really must choose. Will you allow it to stick around and remain stinky, or will you make fertilizer in order to allow something beautiful to grow?

Which will you pick?

Friday, June 5, 2009

... assured ...

I love it when I get a word while on a retreat. The word generally has a lot of impact.

Empowered -- from Leadership Retreat '07... Within seconds God revealed to me that I really am empowered to lead. That He has given me everything I need in order to be a leader in His advancing kingdom.

Adored -- from Leadership Retreat '08... I was suffering from an identity crisis through much of that year and I was learning how to live in the true identitiy of who I am - a beloved, adored child of God. God whispered so gently to me during that time, even when I was arguing about my word! All I have to do is rest in the true identity of who I am.

Assured -- from Women's Retreat '09... It is truly amazing that I received this word. Earlier that day I was hearing in my head that I was not worhty to lead. Recently I have been dropped into the deep end of the pool. I am a part of the leadership development program at church; I am a Life Group leader; I lead the financial team and the financial office; I stepped into leading a small group at Women's Retreat. That was a complete surprise. I know I can do this with Jesus because He has empowered me and I live in the identity of being adored. But I was hearing voices saying I was not strong enough, I had not suffered enough bad places, that maybe I really don't know how to do this. I have lead in safe places but I am not ready to go this alone. But God has assured me that I can. Only by HIs strength and with His guidance I can do this. When I try to do it on my own is when I will fall flat on my face. And God says, "You can do this. I assure you that you can."

becoming entrustable...

I have the privilege of being a part of a leadership development program at our church. When asked what I wanted to get out of being a part of it, my response was that I wanted to learn, grow, be found entrustable, and in the end to look a little more like Jesus. The other day Jesus tweaked in me the definition of being entrustable. Until that time I think I was viewing the term as a little bit of having more to do. And, there is some truth in that. The bigger truth is that Jesus will entrust more and more people to me. It has nothing to do with more activities; the activities are a result of being entrusted with more people. I have a quicker pace in my spirit and loads of peace. It's an ironic thought of life slowing down and speeding up at the same time.

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Matthew 25:29 (NLT)

P.S. I originally wrote the above as a journal entry on April 27. Since then God has found both my husband and I very entrustable. We have the opportunity to lead people on various teams and through Life Groups at our church, and he has shared his salvation story with two people and is developing amazing relationships. God is good!

Jesus Didn't Save Me From Something, But For Something

Jesus gave me a gift the Monday after Easter. After dropping my daughter off at school, I felt compelled to drive downtown. I had no idea why. Initially I thought I would see someone I was suppose to talk to, but turns out that God wanted to talk to me. As I was driving around looking at the buildings and the professionals on the street, I remembered the dreams I had in college of what my after-college life would look like. I had dreams of working in a high-profile company with an executive job sitting behind a huge desk in a beautiful suite with a secretary sitting outside my door. I could see these pictures in my head. Then I heard God whisper, "You get to give that up." He didn't command me to do it; it was a true gift. I get to give up that dream. I get to let go of my plans, the way I picture life would look like. I remember working at my first two professional jobs after college feeling like I wasn't accomplishing anything for this world. My work meant nothing; only allowing the rich to get richer. When I started my own accounting practice I thought I was on the path of really helping people. But it was still my dreams, my plans. Now God is sweetly offering me the choice to give up my dreams; dreams that were there for a long time, since I was 16. Yes, I am giving up my plans. Really, I only want to live out the plans God has on my life. They really are the most perfect plans. So I guess Jesus saved me from something and for something.

from my plans
for His plans

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting started...

I love to journal. I received my first diary when I was 8 and wrote in a diary or journal from then until college. About 3 years ago a friend encouraged me to review my journals and take a look at my life. I was sadden to discover that I did not write in a journal for 4 years. I really felt like I was missing a portion of my life. Since then I have become a consistent journaler, recording events, thoughts, and how God has moved and is moving in my life. Much has been revealed to me during my journaling sessions. I absolutely love it.

I also recently discovered that my journaling sessions are themed. I thought it would be fun to start writing them as blogs as well in order to share my thoughts and God's movements. I was also inspired by other influential bloggers such as our pastor Pete Hise and the pastor of NewSpring Church, Perry Noble. You can find their blogs at and I think you will enjoy them.

Well, I'm off to relieve our sitter for the day. Stay tuned... God has speaking a lot lately and I have a lot to write about. :)