Sunday, April 15, 2012


Kevin and I have been working on our summer vacation plans.  Yesterday afternoon we decided to rent a condo in Florida and be gone for longer than a week.  I couldn't believe it.  It is truly possible for us to be at the beach for longer than a week.  It won't be a vacation the entire time because Kevin will still work and I will have school, but we have the opportunity to be at the beach for longer than one week!

I told a friend about our upcoming trip and how unbelievable it feels that we will be gone for that long.  She said that it was like a dream.  She then told me that she and her husband have the opportunity to dream about their new home as they recently sold their house and purchased a farm.  Then she said something that has been on my mind all day.  She said that her husband asked last night, "When do we stop dreaming?"  That is a really great question to consider.

We constantly encourage our children to dream.  If I asked my daughter right now what she wants to be when she grows up, she would answer that she wants to be a model or a fashion designer.  In no way would I discourage her dream and I don't think anyone else would either.  To my seven year old daughter, life has unlimited options and all of them are at her fingertips.  I am certain that all of us felt that way at one time.  But at what point in life do we stop dreaming?  Is it in high school when we are told to grow up because very soon we will face the real world?  Is it in college when we know that the beginning of our careers are only months away?  Is it when we turn 30 and realize that we are no longer youth but are not yet the elderly?  When did we stop dreaming and start living a life surrounded by restrictions and rules and silent expectations?

To be honest, God gave us life so that we could live it to the fullest.  He wants us to dream big dreams and to set amazing goals for our lives.  Combining our big dream with His big plans allows us to be an unstoppable force for His kingdom.  I also feel certain that we will experience the most fun we ever had when we live that way.

I don't know about you but I'm going to start living a life that is filled with dreams that are within the guardrails of God's plans and love and I'm going to have a blast doing it!  How about you?

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