Last weekend was amazing. Our lead Pastor, Pete Hise, offered an open invitation for people to stand and pray to receive Christ into their hearts after each service. By the end of the weekend, 136 people crossed from death to life and now have a place secured in heaven for all eternity. For hours after the last service ended, hundreds of people stayed to congratulate and encourage new Christians or to help people process through what they heard and subsequently invite Christ into their lives. It was an amazing experience. The Holy Spirit was absolutly walking the aisles of the auditorium.
There were two experiences that I will never forget. The first was spending some time with a young lady on the webcast who had some questions about her salvation experience. We chatted for a while, she listend to the service, and I answered questions. Through that process she got to a place where she knew she wanted and needed Jesus. Online she stood up with Pete and invited Christ into her life.
The second experience that I will never forget is receiving a phone call after the 9:30 service on Sunday from my friend Lana who was exclaiming that her husband Chris just gave his life to Christ. My initial response was "No he did not! Shut up! Shut up!" To which she responded, "Yes he did and I will not!" I saw him about 15 minutes later and he is a new person. He clearly told me that he gave his life to Christ that morning. He talked about how he just needed to stop fighting, put down his pride, and do it. He said it was like having a day off. He felt great. It is amazing to see someone who had very little interest in God just put it all down and give it up. He is a brand new person, reborn.
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