Questapalooza, the annual festival hosted by Quest Community Church, occurred this past Sunday. It was an amazing event with thousands of people in attendance. I had a lot of fun being a part of the event. The one imagine from the festival that will forever be etched in my mind is seeing a man humble himself at the foot of the cross.
At the end of the night, our lead pastor Pete provided an open invitation for anyone in attendance to stand and pray to receive Jesus into their heart and life. During that moment I was standing at the back of the crowd near the evangelism tent preparing to receive people who prayed with Pete and to encourage them as they begin walking in their new Christian life. I was standing very close to the cross as the prayer was happening and noticed from the corner of my eye that there was a small group of people at the foot of the cross. The main person in that circle was Greg, the boyfriend of one of my amazing Life Group gals. Teresa was placed in my Life Group in June and she has an incredible heart. I have been praying with her for Greg. She carried an incredible, appropriate weight for him. I also noticed that she was not a part of that group. The prayer ended and I began to search for her. About 15 mins later I found her. I asked if she had seen Greg recently. She said no and appeared concerned. I took her arm and began leading her to where he was. We were within 10 feet of him and she just broke down crying and praising. He joined us and started crying as well. I hugged them, prayed with them, and encouraged him in his new walk. It's such a beautiful thing when you see a 50 year old stable man become a child of God. He is forgiven and he is free.
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