Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Hope of the World

In his book Courageous Leadership Bill Hybles writes:

"If leaders in business, government, or education increase their competence through reading this book, that's fine.  But I am not writing primarily to them. In the end, even though their work may be exceedingly important, the cause to which they have dedicated their leadership skills has one thing lacking:  it does not have the power to change the world. What makes my heart beat fast is engaging with leaders in local churches because I believe that the local church is the hope of the world.  I believe to the core of my being that local church leaders have the potential to be the most influential force on planet earth. If they 'get it,' and get on with it, churches can become the redemptive centers that Jesus intended them to be. Dynamic teaching, creative worship, deep community, effective evangelism, and joyful service will combine to renew the hearts and minds of seekers and believers alike, strengthen families, transform communities, and change the world." (page 12)

The local church is the hope of the world.

 I should just drop the mic and leave it right there.  But, I'm not going to do that. This post is not a political post. I will not discuss nor share my opinion of any aspect of the recent presidential election and the chaos that has been stirring since then. Christ-followers, it is time for us to remember that our hope does not rest in a worldly-institution, whether it be business, education or the government. Yes, each of those institutions are incredibly important and can have a huge effect on our lives while we remain on this earth; but this world is not our home and our hope rests in Jesus alone. He is the only person who has the ability to effect any real lasting change in our lives. Also, the local church is the only institution that was commissioned to carry the Good News of Jesus and to spread the hope of the world. It is time for us to represent Jesus and carry out that work as the body of Christ.

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