Monday, March 19, 2012

They're Only Weeds...

The weather was beautiful this weekend.  I took advantage of the weather and spent some time clearing out the flower beds around our house.  To be honest, I really enjoy working in our flowers.  I love spending time determining if the perennials are in the right place and what annuals we need to add to give more color to the beds.  I also don't mind pulling out the weeds that clutter the beds, with the potential destroy the life around them.

I pulled out lots of weeds on Saturday.  All of the weeds had relatively small roots.  Some of the weeds had shallow roots and they were very easy to pull out.  Some of the weeds had slightly deeper roots causing me to use a little more strength and my gardening tool to get out.  I even found some weeds growing in the middle of some lillies and the lillies were not fairing well because of it.  The whole time I was clearing out the weeds I kept thinking, "They are only weeds.  Gross, little weeds."  I was also reminded of a scripture that I love...

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.  Ephesians 3:17 NLT

As beloved children of God, our roots are to grow in a heart cultivated by the love of God.  Our roots are not to be planted in other things.  There are also times when weeds will sneak in around the roots that we planted in God's love.  They bring ugliness to the garden and will try to choke out what God is growing in us. Just like the weeds in my flower bed, we can remember that they are only weeds.  Pesky, gross little weeds. The good news is remembering that they are only weeds and they can easily come out!  Some of the weeds that grow in our hearts can be plucked out with a little bit of prayer.  Other weeds may take a little more strength, time and possible special tools, but in the end, they are only weeds.  God's intention is that we live with a weed-free heart and grow in His grace and love.

So what weeds do you feel growing in your heart?  You can easily take care of them today.

And if you want more heart-gardening tips, please read this post I published in 2009.