About a year or so ago I heard someone say that the way to increase tithing or giving in a church is to have the pastor preach on tithing. With all do respect to that person's opinion, the last thing we need is to have someone preach to us on tithing; especially in a way that is associated with the negative connotation that comes with the word "preach." The world does not need another person telling them how to give and that they just need to do it. What I believe is that we need to get to the root issues of why people don't tithe or give to their church.
Have you asked yourself why you don't tithe or give? And if you are tithing, have you asked yourself why you don't give more?
Do you not tithe or give because...
* you are afraid? (Afraid of what? That money will no longer exist?)
* how will you pay all of those bills, the mortgage and buy groceries? (Jesus desires for you to live a good life. Paying all of the bills yourself may prevent the opportunity for Jesus to provide you with a gift.)
* the sacrifice is just too big? (What about Jesus's sacrifice on the cross?)
* you are dealing with the consequences of a past sin? (As a follower of Christ, your sins are forgiven! Worked with Jesus as you sort out those consequences and He will bless you beyond measure.)
* you are having a difficult time sorting out the financial pieces of life? (Call out for help. Be known in a safe community. Don't do it alone.)
* financial things are just not your thing? (Then a large part of life is not your thing. Maturity will show that much of life is tied to finances.)
* you don't trust your church with your money? (Then why would you trust your church with your marriage, your kids, or your salvation?? If you don't trust the church you currently attend, then leave that church and become a part of one that you do trust.)
* you don't trust Jesus that much? (Jesus is the ONLY person to show that He is completely trustworthy all of the time. He will NEVER let you down.)
Almost 99% of the time, people don't tithe or give not because they don't have the money to do so, but because they know that if they give up some portion of their money then there will be less to spend on whatever it is that they want. Most people live in financial bondage created by scarcity and entitlement... thinking that not enough money exists to pay for everything that we want.
God created us to not live in financial bondage. His resources are completely unlimited. He constantly chooses how His resources are allocated among us. We get to choose if we will participate in effective stewardship of His resources. Through us He can do wonderous things when we live with open hands around His resources. If you think that you don't have enough money to give and live on, consider the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. Verse 23 states, "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much'." As we are faithful to the little that God gives to us, He will entrust us with more. Overtime we will be led to financial freedom which will ultimately result in financial peace.
Do you live in financial freedom? If not, let me know and I can help you get there!
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