Six and a half years ago I underwent minor surgery to have melanoma removed from the right side of my face. Thankfully it was superficial, no risk of it metastasizing, and no recurrences since them. However, the week that I had to wait for the results was very long. I had a 3 month old little girl at that time and I kept thinking, "What will I do if the results come back more severe?" Though I thought about it for some time, I never made plans of what I would do. Prompted by this weekend's church service, a similar question has resurfaced. If I had only 30 days to live what would I do? What would I stop doing?
One of the things that I would do is to do my best to point my daughter to Jesus so that she would have the opportunity to become the woman God designed her to be. I also know that I would love Kevin everyday in ways that will cause him to never doubt my love for him. I would record more of my thoughts and feelings. I would stop complaining and stop being timid. I would stop sleeping away hours of the day. I would not put a priority on things that are simply not important. I would sell everything, downsize and live somewhere cozy and comfortable.
So, how does all of this translate to now? Other than knowing that one day God will call me home, I have no reason to believe that I have only 30 days to live. But how can I use this list and truly live life on purpose now?
I can...
... invest in Kelly every day in such a way that she begins to pursue Jesus and the life she was made for.
... express my love to Kevin in ways that really speak to him.
... journal and blog more often. Write and teach what God places on my heart.
... stop being timid and speak the words God gives me.
... stop complaining. It is a waste of energy.
... get up earlier and at a set time each day.
... make our home warm, inviting, cozy, comfortable, and filled with love.
... place priority on what is really important and do only what God sets out for me to do.
If you had only 30 days left to live, what would you do?