Mary said no...
Joseph proceded with stoning Mary...
we didn't accept Jesus for who He really is?
This was God's one shot to save humanity, the people He dearly loves... There was no plan B.
God loved us SO much that He took a huge risk to send His son, the firstborn of all creation, to come to a planet in very humble beginnings to present salvation. There was no divine announcement from the sky. God put the plan in some simple, young humans to birth His son into this world, to care for and raise Him, and to send Him on His way when the appointed time came. There was a risk that the disciples would say no to following Jesus, to learning and then sharing the good news. There was a risk that Jesus would have been viewed as a common criminal dying on a cross rather than the ultimate sacrifice for us. There was a risk that we would ever accept Him as the ultimate sacrifice and give our lives and hearts to Him. God did all of this through people who allowed their hearts to be opened to His words and promptings, not through a booming voice or a picture in the sky for all to hear and see. God's plan was to use people to save people. The irony is that He gives us freedom of choice and He knows how the story ends.
There is no plan B. Jesus is the only way that humanity will be saved. And He does it through you and me. WE are plan A.