Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Most Unlikely Leader

I have decided to read the entire Bible this year. I am doing... ok... with it. I really wish it was something that I picked to do every day. Maybe over time it will. We'll see. :)

I am reading the book of Exodus right now. I am familiar with the story of Moses and Israel's slavery to the Egyptians from years of Sunday School and watching movies such as The Ten Commandments and The Prince of Egypt. But there is something different when it comes from reading the story straight from the Bible... it becomes more... it becomes alive. And God has revealed some new things to me from reading this story straight from His Word.

Moses was probably the most unlikely leader. No one would have picked him to lead Israel out of Egypt. He would have been the last kid picked during gym class. He grew up as Pharoah's grandson -- none of his own people would like him. He killed a man -- an act punishable by death. He met God on holy ground one day... and completely argued with Him. But God reassured Moses that he was made for the task. Moses leaves and meets with Pharoah commanding him to let his people go. Pharoah refuses and increases the work of the Israelites. Moses turns to God and asks why He was working against his people. In Exodus 7:3-5 God answers, "But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. This I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out my people of Israel from among them." The Egyptians would not see Israel's freedom as a work of Pharaoh or even Moses, but as a work of God. Moses agreed to allow God to use him for His glory. God was revealed because Moses said yes to the work to be done.

On the surface, Moses was an unlikely leader. In the end, he was the most likely leader. Why? Because he spent time with God... he listened to God... he was real with God... he obeyed God... and he believed God.

When God calls you to something, do you believe Him or do you argue with Him? YOU really are the most likely leader.