Wow. I knew that it had been a while since I posted a blog. I did not realize that my last post was on July 19. Honestly, I have had a lot of thoughts and I have definitely been provoked to write, but I simply have not taken the time to do so.
Life happens and life can get really busy. Much of what I do revolves around tasks and time. Most days I really do focus on what God wants me to accomplish in that day and where He needs me to be. I'm not perfect, so there are days when I attempt to control the schedule. But it really does work better when we allow God to work out that plan.
At Leadership Summit, Billy Hybels taught that we really need to focus on the simple things in life: absorb the words of the Bible, read a good book for 30 mins every day, spend quality time with Jesus, etc. Doing these things with an open heart will draw you into the presence of Jesus and your day will feel freer and lighter. Trust me; I have been there. I have also been encouraged to find the right times to rest this weekend because this week will be crazy busy as this is the week leading up to Fall Kickoff and Questapalooza. I hope writing this blog counts as "rest time."
I hope that going forward I will find more time to write these blogs. God gives me beautiful images and just the right words for these blogs. Watch out for more to come!